310 days ago I set up this Substack and began the process of moving blog posts from the furthest reaches of the web. It’s been quite a journey and I’ve learned a lot about what works (or at least appears to work), and what doesn’t (or appears not to work).
I’ve been observing and watching, as well as writing and it’s become apparent that some changes about how I use Substack are necessary. Over last weekend and today I’ve been implementing some of them.
Perhaps the biggest change is in pricing for paid subscribers. I’ve reduced the monthly cost to £4.50 because I know from my own experience of life right now that everything is getting more expensive. Hopefully, this makes it more affordable for those of you who want to learn more about the business of writing.
From today, almost everything will be available to all subscribers - free or paid - for two weeks. After two weeks, posts will be archived and only available to paid subscribers.
Reminders about the monthly masterclasses and Q&A sessions will only go to members of The Creative Hub. So, if you’re not a paid member you won’t be disturbed by something you can’t access.
My fiction posts rarely get any engagement so I am reducing the number of these I share. I’m still exploring my inner storyteller and it’s a work in progress that may be better done alone for the time being.
I will write more about the topics that interest me that are not about living a writing life; after all one reason I moved here was because I wanted to be more ‘me’ as a writer.
I’m going to remove the sections, I’ve begun by taking them out of the menu at the top of the page. It was annoying me, so I guess it may have annoyed you too. The only section to remain will be for the weekly writing prompts as that seems to be the most popular part.
From this month, the focus of my ‘writing life’ posts will be The Social Media Maverick’s Guide to Book Marketing which is where you can link to the various posts as I write them. I plan to write at least one a month, maybe more.
Finally, I’d like to say thank you for supporting my writing here on Substack. Whether you are a free or paid subscriber it’s great to have your company. As always, if you have any questions about living a writing life or life in general, I’m always happy to get into a discussion or offer some suggestions.
With love, light and laughter
(Image by Peter Chou from Pixabay)