Hello everyone and welcome to the latest writing prompt. This month I’m exploring the moon, once directly, mostly side-along. This is another side-along …
A writing prompt for anyone who has managed to avoid them thus far can never be right or wrong. Its only purpose is to help you exercise your creative writing muscle, and it does this by taking you out of your literary comfort zone and helping you explore a different side of your internal creative genius. So dive in, try something new and above all have fun.
It’s a bomber’s moon she thought then caught herself, the war had been over 50 years.
Suddenly a whistle pierced the stillness and a crack and thump exploded into a rainbow of colours nearby.
Instinct dropped her to the ground, as close to earth as she could get reducing her target area
“Nana, Nana where are you?” Jamie’s voice called out of the darkness. “Your birthday fireworks have started”.
Heaving upwards she laughed lightly. If only they had seen me work my resistance magic.
The Prompt
This prompt is based on a poem I happened across by Ros Dix-Peek. The first two lines are the ones that intrigued me the most. What does the idea of a ‘milk drop moon’ inspire in your creative soul?
A milk drop moon hangs searing in the inky night,
The Lancaster’s engines throbbing with silken delight,
You can read the whole poem on her website here: https://peek-01.livejournal.com/75553.html
If you feel like sharing your thoughts please leave a comment as I’m always curious to read what everyone creates.
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With love, light, and laughter
(Image by Klaus Stebani from Pixabay)