
Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of The Writing Shed

We’re meeting at 3 pm GMT today (10 am ET / 7 am PT /  11 pm AWST).
To determine what time we start in your part of the world, click here to convert.

If possible, try to print out your worksheet ahead of time, you’ll find it at the bottom with the Zoom link for the meeting! You can also fill it out on your computer if you first download it.

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We are starting to move quickly now along a continuum towards getting our writing into the hands of the audience who needs it, want’s it and will pay for it. Today, we are all about what to do when you have built a pathway to your work.

It is unusual for someone to buy something completely speculatively, particularly in the online world. if you pay attention to your own behaviour, you will notice that when you shop virtually, you almost always know what you’re looking for and can go straight to it. This might be because you have a specific author in mind, genre you love or a recommendation from someone you trust. Alternatively, it might be that you’ve grown to know the writer themselves.

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