She was once persuaded by her good friend Ann to wear more colour. She was right that it would make her feel different, better even, but shy Sal was not prepared for how adventurous she would feel as a result. Somehow, the new costumes awoke in her a hidden performer; an alt persona of youth and optimism appeared overnight. Her whole personality changed to gaudy bright; she was reborn as Super Sal, the girl of hue and light. Well that was how it felt anyway, for a quick minute or fifteen of fame, as she pushed her trolley lugubriously round to the bread aisle and reached salaciously for the croissants: frou frou pink is so french don't you think?

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Oh yes, it is definitely French Sue. You made me laugh out loud with this one, and the unexpected twist in the tail, was perfect.

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She was dealing with her treatment

Every week another lot

8 hours on a drip

Feeling pretty, she was not

She didn’t want attention

So no bright clothes for her

She’d rather not be noticed

It was just what she’d prefer

But she had a little secret

Underneath her drab jeans

Her silk and satin undies

Were bright oranges and greens

Then one time she arrived

Still in jeans and dull blues

But on her feet were just

The shiniest red shoes!

And as she began her recovery

She bought another wig

An attention catching red head

And she didn’t give a fig

The day to ring the bell arrived

The nurses all aghast

As she wore a turquoise outfit

Her true colours back at last

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This made me chuckle when I read it first thing this morning Penny. I can see her clearly, fed up, annoyed, frustrated, feeling unwell but that little tickle of a secret that kept her spirits up.

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With you all the way when it comes to blue. I've had a similar experience when I look at my clothing and think, what's with all the blue?

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Today, I'm mainly wearing black and taupe - I'm going dog walking later so need things that won't show the dirt; but at least it's not blue, hurrah!

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And I, of course, am wearing blue today!

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