yep. Interesting times. No need to reply, but what do we MEAN when we say "nanny state"? Jacob rees-Mogg is very attached to HIS nanny and a good nanny will take care of their charges until such time as they are of age to function independently - in Rees-Mogg's case well into his adulthood by all accounts! Interested to know what a terrible nanhy state wold be. Authoritarianism perhaps? In that case, that's the word for it, rather than the term which suggests infantilisation.

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Personally, I think 'Nanny State' is simply a less contentious way of saying 'authoritarian'. And yes, a good nanny allows us to grow up, but we have a system hell bent on the opposite :-)

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A lot of time spent on this, and well argued. Made me think about the reason we are given for why government should stand back from setting in place a more sustainable infrastructure. It would mean we are a" Nanny" state! Yet you are right that we hand over responsibility to them and expect daddy and mummy to sort it out, so really we assume a "nanny state" as a fundamental tenet of our lives. There is a huge tension between our current government and what we assume they will achieve and what their goals are. And they are wedded to an old economic system. Doubt many have read Donut Economics!

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It's a delicate balancing act on a tightrope strung across the highest mountains that we're navigating right now Lindy. It's the balance between our own responsibility and that which we place on Government and other organisations. Getting it wrong may result in a nanny state, the like of which we have never seen and would never want to experience. Getting it right means that we the people hold greater reins of power over the way in which our society is managed. It's certainly an interesting time to be alive.

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