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This: It is this passion that will keep you writing even on the days when no one visits your little piece of online real estate... made me laugh!

I blog now but wanted to find an outlet for my writing (self expression) for years. Fb did that for a while way back but then became too icky.

I write about what it means to be human. What it means to be our True Selves. I write about the struggles of unravelling all the conditioning and programming that keeps us stifled and small.

I am passioante about people fulfilling their potential, being fully expressed.

I write for me primarily. I need to express how life is really a dance, blending my profound life experiences with my knowledge from almost 20 years of coaching and observing other people.

I write because I love to wrte and explore my thoughts. It helps me get clarity.

Sometimes it's disappointing when not many people visit my little piece of online real estate but then I have to write again so I'll never stop....

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