Well, what an evening. This was my second launch event for the Hysteria Writing Competition and it was as much fun as the first. With my special guests helping out, together with a few technical (no make that human glitches) we got through it and the feedback from attendees was that they enjoyed it too.
The point of the launch was to announce all the winners of the categories and the Guess the Cover competition. And the winners also had their entries read by three of this year's reading team: Steven Patchett, Rachel Angel and Kate Franklin. I was also joined by Gill Scholey and Diane Jackman to discuss what it takes to read for a competition like Hysteria and their hints and tips for what makes a winning entry. It would be fair to say that without the whole reading team, this competition would not be possible and I want to say I have an enormous debt of gratitude to them all.
Finally, congratulations go to:
Heather Cook, winner of the Poetry category with Girl In A Cathedral
Caroline Jenner, winner of the Flash Fiction category with At Peace With Myself In The Midst Of The Chaos Of Half Started Projects
Alex Packer, winner of Short Story category with Et In Arcadia Ego
Catherine Banks, winner of the Guess the Cover competition who was the first out of the hat with Girl In A Cathedral.
Each of our winning entries will be added to the website in the coming weeks, and I'm busy planning interviews with all the category winners so keep an eye out for them being added to the podcast.
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