Your writing life. I have two aims here at The Writing Shed: the first is to help writers (and it turns out other creative people) exercise their creative muscle by sharing weekly writing prompts. I know from my experience of running the Hysteria Writing Competition over the years that getting the idea for the story, poem or next piece of writing is often the hardest part of the creative process. The second aim is to share the information, knowledge and (possibly) wisdom I have gathered in the (almost) thirty years since I started writing and publishing to fund a tiny social enterprise (at the time) called the Hysterectomy Association.
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The business of writing
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Your writing life. I have two aims here at The Writing Shed: the first is to help writers (and it turns out other creative people) exercise their creative muscle by sharing weekly writing prompts. I know from my experience of running the Hysteria Writing Competition over the years that getting the idea for the story, poem or next piece of writing is often the hardest part of the creative process. The second aim is to share the information, knowledge and (possibly) wisdom I have gathered in the (almost) thirty years since I started writing and publishing to fund a tiny social enterprise (at the time) called the Hysterectomy Association.